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CEOP Button

Reporting Online Abuse

CEOP links encourage all organisations that have an online presence, where children and young people congregate, to adopt the CEOP ‘Report Abuse’ mechanism.


Report Abuse Button

This is not designed to replace existing reporting mechanisms, but is intended to deal with specific threats from individuals who seek to use the online environment to access young people and children for sexual purposes.



By implementing the ‘report abuse’ button, children and young people on our blog and sites will be empowered to report suspicious individuals or behaviour directly to law enforcement quickly and easily.  The reports come directly to CEOP/Police intelligence centre and the team there are then in best place to analyse, assess and take appropriate action according to the perceived risk and threat to an individual child.  


Information and analysis of these reports can then shape the future development of services reducing the potential threat and harm to children.


THE CEOP Report button is freely available on our school blog site, just in case it is needed.
