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HT Update after Prime Minister's Address

Dear Parent/Carers,


After the Prime Minister’s statement tonight, there will be lots of questions that will be unanswered.  We are in the same boat as you...with, possibly, even more questions. 


So, in summary, there are currently no changes to what we have provided since March 23rd.  We will only provide childcare for those parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response and only those who cannot be cared for at home. 


The message is clear... it is safest to keep your child at home. 


In the coming days, we will work tirelessly to make arrangements. Our priorities will be to:


  • Gain a better understanding of the details of the Government’s plan
  • Seek a clearer picture of the scientific evidence the Government has based this plan on
  • Get helpful and sound advice, so we can best make arrangements to keep us all safe.


We know our school the best and we will only open more widely to children if we can safely do so. This may ultimately mean that our school may not be in a position to expand pupil numbers in the way the Government has indicated. For example, allowing all year 6 children back into school will fill 8-9 classrooms, when following current distancing rules.


I hope to update you with our plan when we have more detailed information and, at the latest, before Whit half term.


Best wishes,


S.G. Brady



The only way to predict the future is to create it. 


Mr S.G. Brady, B.Ed (Hons), NPQH, FCCT.



Bidston Avenue Primary School

Tollemache Road



CH41 0DQ

Tel:   0151 652 1594

Fax:  0151 653 2064




