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Lockdown Update - FSM/Remote Learning

We are fully open to critical workers' children and children of families we have contacted due to other reasons, including Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) and vulnerable children.


We are currently sorting out Free School Meal Hampers from Edsential Catering for those children not attending school and we hope they will be delivered by Neo.


Remote learning has begun, so please check out your child's Seesaw account ASAP and Tapestry for F2 (they are having some difficulties at the Tapestry end though).  Education is continuing, so it is important that you try to keep your child up to speed, but also at a pace that does not cause extra stress and worry for the family.  You can only do what you can do.  We are in a pandemic and we all have to remember this.  


Stay Safe #TeamBiddyAve.
